Sunday, February 7, 2010

Breast Torture Blog Why Did The W. Virginia Torture Make It To Yahoo But Not The Christian/Newsom Double Murder?

Why did the W. Virginia torture make it to Yahoo but not the Christian/Newsom double murder? - breast torture blog

Well, first of all, I am black. I am married to a non-blacks, so I'm on both sides of the fence so to speak. Now, it bothers me that West Virginia History of Torture (which disgusts me to the bone) has received national attention, but were brutally raped, torture and murder of Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom, no. Both were raped (yes, even men being tortured), (man's penis cut off and the woman's chest cut) shot and killed (and burned), five people with black skin color (if we must call it so).

My question is: Why is not the story of the white couple are national news and how it relates to race relations in America? ... ...

1 comment:

Tamm said...

Oh, I just read that it is terrible. I have no answers, why does not the mainstream seems to be number one. Anyhew, just email the link to my family and friends.

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